Saturday is Here, What is a Happening?

on 5/17/14 1:29 am - Bradenton, FL

Im happy today! Five pounds of my crazy regain is gione! The Medifast is helping!

Talk on I need coffee!


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Judy G.
on 5/17/14 2:27 am - Galion, OH

WOW Carla!!! That is GREAT!!!!  Happy for you!!!! Can anyone get that Medifast?? Or is it from a Dr only??

Well we just had some rain along with some pea size hail...will this crazy weather ever end?????

Rick's mom just called...said she is getting ready for the baby shower for Rick's daughter. Said Nicole is being a real ***** also. Now she is no longer letting her see Anthony. Welcome to our world. She still isn't talking to us. Guess Diane is dropping off the goodies she made and then leaving. Nita (aunt) is dropping off the gift and she is also leaving. She thought about taking the gift back...WOW little princess is being that bad huh? OH YEAH!!!!!!!! Her better half is also being a SOB also I guess. Great couple!!!! Anyhow found out she is having another boy. Nice. Not sure what the due date is yet. Must be soon if the shower is today.

Doing dishes then might take a ride to a nearby town called Shelby and see if I can find some camo colored pants for my granddaughters graduation party next month. So far not having any luck around here.  This place is an army surplus store so I should find something...LOL

Nothing else happening so going back to my dishes and see what Rick wants to do...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


on 5/17/14 3:40 am - Bradenton, FL

Judy anyone can do Medifast It is take Shape For Life. Im doing thru my Cousin Linda Hoffman  here is her number you can call her 9412284087 and she can talk to you. It is five protien shakes a day and a lean and green meal. Very gastric bypass friendly. A lot of drs use the plan. I know Grand Health Partners use a plan something like it now. 

Our other cousin lost over 100 pounds on It.

I know the back on track program im going on in St pete is using a program like it. I just wanted to get a head start! i have taken off five pounds since Monday.



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on 5/17/14 4:15 am

Carla, Judy, and OFF friends to come, 

I am having a lazy day...actually nursing this knee along. Found a rub i had used on my other knee. I hate not being able to walk or stand with out pain. Oh well, right now i know rest and pampering is the best. I am checking out the places in the area that accept Golden Sneakers program and have a pool. The big issue for me is getting in and out. I still use two rails to get up and down stairs. I can do a ramp with one rail. I also need someone who can move my walker away and bring it back. . Rrrrr Now you understand why i am pushing to get stronger. I really want to get to using a cane only. Ok enough about that. 

I hope you are well. Judy we had sleet and hail here too. This weather is crazy.

Well, i gotta get something going in the kitchen and coffee is calling. 

Blessings for the day. 


Connie D.
on 5/17/14 5:12 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone.....

Once again I deleted my post. I thought for sure by now no one would post....LOL!!

Kyleigh is here. She has been helping me cook many different meals/dishes to fill up my freezer. I have been wanting to get this done for quite some time. Kyleigh has been so much help. Plus she is helping me do laundry. A very productive day!! Tomorrow I am not doing a darn thing!!!

Carla....wooohooo!! Glad your 5 pounds are gone!! Good for you!!!!

have lost 7 so far...I have a ways to go!! 

That is another reason I made up meals....I eat better that way!!

Love and more hugs....connie d

on 5/17/14 6:50 am, edited 5/17/14 6:56 am - Canada

I too need to lose about 35 lbs, plus another ten.....will look into your Medifast.


Right now bldg cleaner is spring cleaning both my balconies, I pay him privately as this is a condo bldg. He comes back Monday as my apt cleaning fairy, can only afford him once a month!

Millie my houseguest is hiding under diningroom table. Have discovered she is nuts about sliced ham and aged white cheddar, and wet gourmet canned cat food and cat treats.  I gave her some diced rotisserie chicken twice and shedoesn't   know what to do with it which broke my heart: 14 year old cat has never tasted real chicken, just cheapest (non nutritious) cat kibble and never a treat?! She doesnt know how to play either! But sure is quickly used to lovies and being allowed on bed, but when I turn lights out, she sneaks to her own bed instead of becoming a bedhog, like all my other cats and dogs  who owned me and shared my life. BTW I am an equal sucker for cats and dogs, so don't favor one over the other, but have only been owned by them one at a time...never had a menage a trois!  Must be fun to have both dog and cat who get along with you and each other.




PS For those of you with upcoming Baby Showers, found this fabulous recipe for "Dirty Diaper Cookies" Google if link doesn't work..they are a riot!


on 5/17/14 8:48 am

They did dirty diaper candy bars at my niece's shower. It was a blast

Patricia R.
on 5/17/14 2:10 pm - Perry, MI

Been crazy busy the past two days.  Colleen, Trent and the gang were here helping get the yard together.  I swept my garage out, which took me a long time.  

Fed everyone, and had five kids in here watching Disney on Netflix.  Next thing I know, the Colleen came in and said that it was snowing.  Trent had to bring the tractor, with the trailer full of his equipment into my garage till it cleared.  

Must scoot.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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